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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Stuffed Paranthas - Palak

Parantha's (a kind of griddle cooked flat bread) are an evergreen north Indian breakfast option. There are a variety of stuffing one can use to make delicious and healthy paranthas. My breakfast for tomorrow is stuffed palak paratha. This one is a little tricky so I'll put in an how to make it easy tip at the end ;) read on:
You need:
Wheat flour - 2 cups
Curd - 1 tbsp
Salt - 2 tsp
Red chilly powder - 1 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1 tsp
Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
1 green chilly - finely chopped
Palak (spinach) - chopped finely 2 cups (wash really well before chopping)
Oil for cooking
Water for kneading the dough

How to:
Add 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp oil and curd to the wheat flour. Mix slightly and then with water knead into a tight dough. Cover and keep aside.
Drain the washed and chopped spinach really well to remove all water. Add red chilly powder, turmeric powder, green chilly, and cumin seeds. Mix well. DO NOT add salt at this point. If you do, the spinach will leave water and cannot be used as stuffing.
Take the dough and knead it some more till it is smooth. Divide into fist size parts. Roll out each part with a rolling pin into small circles. Put a drop of oil in the middle of the circle, add a pinch or 2 of salt (according to your taste) and spread evenly on the circle. Put a little of the spinach filling in the center and fold the edges to close the ball. Roll out again into a flat round bread. Sprinkle some wheat flour while rolling to avoid the bread sticking to the surface.

Heat a griddle and put the rolled parantha on it to cook. Spread a little oil on both sides and cook till they are nicely crisp and brown.

An easier way to make it is to mix all the ingredients together (even the spinach) while kneading the dough. Then you only need to roll it out and cook it and avoid the messiness of the stuffing. tastes are different though and I prefer the stuffed version :)

More stuffing recipes coming up :)


  1. You should try your hands at Amul India Master Chef! What Say???

  2. Thanks :)... those are like super professional people... i'll be lost there :)

    but i hope u do like the recipes here :)
